This is my English diary. I won't translate into Chinese.
Sometime I feel tired.
I want to escape from tiredness ans sadness.
I want to hide .
No one can be happy everyday.
Smile or tear ?
Happy or sad ?
Sometime I feel confused.
I want to figure out something.
But I don't know what the answer is.
What am I thinking about?
What am I caring about?
What am I looking for ?
Life is not easy.
It exists a lot of problems,sadness,tears,pain,and happiness.
I will try to remember all of the memories.
Try me best to find out the true meamnig of life.
But I know it's not easy at all.
" In a clam sea. Every man is a pilot. But all the sunshine without
shade,all the plesure without pain, is not life at all."
(Writed by Ernest Hemingway)
We can’t expect all the things to be exactly the same as to what
we think.
As a proverb says "Plans can never catch up with changes."
I will try my best as happy as I could.
Don't worry about me . It will be just fine.
Although sometimes I would be upset without reasons.
I don't want to talk with anybody.
Sometimes I just need some time to figure out why I feel upset.
Yeah. I am not in a good mood today. At least at this moment.
Just don't ask me why. And just don't worry about me.
Although I know that I'm not an optimist.
I still will tell myself "Tomorrow will be a new day."